Everything You Need To Know About Sticky Mats
Sticky mat comes with adhesive surface. Its job is to trap dust, contaminants, and dirt from the bottoms of wheeled carts and the bottoms of shoes. When people use sticky mats for construction , they place them at the exits and entrances of a construction site. It is also known as cleanroom mat or a tacky mat. They also use these mats in hazardous places so that the spread of contamination can be combatted. A sticky mat for floor can either be permanent or temporary. A temporary mat is created from a stack containing adhesive plastic film layers. You can discard or peel off these layers. On the other hand, you will find permanent mats to be made of polymer, polyvinyl chloride, or polyester. The method of using a stick mat ideally Sticky mats prevent dirt and dust well. It successfully eliminates other contaminants as wells. These mats do their job by trapping debris and dirt when people walk across them. The products are usually sticky. Some tips that would help you ...